Saturday, 12 August 2017

Heinz Opzioni Commercianti Rimanere In Clandestinità

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Chiudete gli scheda del browser o accorciare la URL originale utilizzando Tr. imIntroduction: società segrete e il tutto Illuminati quotNot è una cospirazione, ma lascia la faccia esso: coloro che lottano per il potere sono anche quelli più probabilità di abusare di essa. L'uso corretto del potere richiede integrità e saggezza, virtù natura umana doesnt vengono con le virtù di default sono acquisite, e quindi abbastanza raro. Ne consegue che a causa di questa rarità, di quelli che guadagnano il potere della maggioranza mancherà l'integrità e la saggezza di usare in modo corretto. E così cospirazioni sorgono, per cospirazioni non sono altro che schemi subdoli di individui self-serving piegato sul raggiungimento e il mantenimento di power. quot - Montalk La questione di come e perché le Nazioni Unite è il punto cruciale della grande cospirazione per distruggere la sovranità di ogni paese e l'asservimento di tutta la popolazione mondiale in una dittatura mondiale delle Nazioni Unite è un mistero completo e sconosciuto alla stragrande maggioranza delle persone in tutte le parti del mondo. quotThe parola molto la segretezza è ripugnante, in una società libera e aperta. Perché noi siamo, come popolo, intrinsecamente e storicamente contrario di società segrete, ai procedimenti segreti e di giuramenti segreti. Per siamo contrari in tutto il mondo da una cospirazione monolitica e spietata che si basa principalmente su mezzi segreti per espandere la sua sfera di influenza - sulla infiltrazione invece di invasione, sulla sovversione invece delle elezioni, su intimidazioni invece di libera scelta, sulla guerriglia per notte invece degli eserciti di giorno. Si tratta di un sistema che ha arruolato vaste risorse umane e materiali nella costruzione di una stretta maglia, macchina altamente efficiente che unisce militari, diplomatici, di intelligence, economico, scientifico e operazioni politiche. Le sue preparazioni sono nascosti, non pubblicata. I suoi errori sono non sepolti headliner. I suoi dissidenti sono messi a tacere, non lodato. Nessuna spesa è messo in discussione, nessuna voce viene stampato, non è un segreto è revealed. quot - John F. Kennedy, dal suo discorso Secret Society il 27 aprile 1961. Anche se era da una delle principali linee di sangue della famiglia Illuminati, JFK era in realtà cercando per annullare alcune delle confusione - e di porre fine al sistema bancario Reserve. Per i suoi sforzi è stato assassinato il 22 novembre 1963. Spiegazione degli Illuminati piramide società segrete e occultismo Skull and Bones, Massoni, Rosacroce, Ordo Templis Orientis, Ordine Ermetico della Golden Dawn, il Cavalieri Templari, gli Illuminati, il Gruppo Bilderberg , Il Priorato di Sion, l'Opus dei. Chi sono le persone in queste organizzazioni che sono i massoni E 'davvero una organizzazione segreta Sono coinvolti in una cospirazione C'è una connessione tra la Massoneria e Illuminati L'Ordine degli Illuminati è spesso al centro del dibattito circa l'impatto della società segrete sulla storia umana. gli Illuminati è un mito o lo fa veramente governare segretamente il mondo come il numero di persone che chiedono che domanda circa gli Illuminati è cresciuta, fatti circa l'Ordine sono diventati diluito con idee sbagliate e disinformazione, facendo una ricerca obiettiva sull'argomento difficile. Dimenticate la propaganda Dan Brown consegnati attraverso il Codice Da Vinci et al. C'è. un nucleo interno di collaboratori intimi che senza dubbio sapeva che erano membri di un gruppo dedicato a uno scopo comune e un cerchio esterno di un numero maggiore sul quale il cerchio interno ha agito con la persuasione personale, la distribuzione patrocinio, e la pressione sociale. E 'probabile che la maggior parte dei membri del cerchio esterno non erano consapevoli di essere stati utilizzati da una società segreta. - Professor Carroll Quigley, l'istituzione anglo-americano Qui è possibile ascoltare un eccezionale colloquio con G. Edward Griffin needtoknow. news quando ha parlato presso l'Università del Texas il 29 aprile 2008. Qui egli descrive in termini molto semplici e con evidenza, aspetti chiave come l'agenda globalista è stato giocato fuori. È possibile scaricare la versione MP3 di questa intervista qui. G. Edward Griffin è anche uno dei fattori chiave per il set di DVD, The Fall of America e il mondo occidentale che ho acquistato e posso consiglio vivamente. Esso fornisce una panoramica completa ma facile da capire di quanto sta accadendo nel nostro mondo - soprattutto dal punto di vista della finanza monetaria che ci riguarda tutti. Fornisce inoltre soluzioni che tutti noi possiamo implementare per proteggerci dal disastro finanziario. Se siete interessati a leggere Tragedy and Hope di Caroll Quigley come riferimento da G. Edward Griffin quindi è possibile visualizzare e scaricare una versione PDF di questo libro da Scribd. Se si verifica un problema con il collegamento poi via e-mail. Eye Of The Phoenix. Secrets Of The Dollar Bill è un documentario eccellente e dettagliata sulle origini della All-Seeing-Eye contro gli Stati Uniti One Dollar Bill, e più importante, le implicazioni più ampie. Massoneria: La verità amp Storia Chi sono i massoni si tratta di una organizzazione segreta Sono in una cospirazione Sono una organizzazione religiosa Sono controllati da Lucifero Perché mantenere i segreti E 'un culto Massoneria è stato accusato di essere associati con cospirazioni, il paganesimo, falsa religione, e l'omicidio. L'organizzazione massonica è stato perseguitato da vari gruppi per centinaia di anni. Che cosa vi è la connessione tra massoneria e Templari sia una connessione tra la Massoneria e gli Illuminati cosa massoni insegna realmente che cosa massoni fare nella Lodge A partire intorno al 1400 i quotOperativequot scalpellini-lavoro hanno lavorato tutta Europa cathederals edifici, palazzi, ponti e opere pubbliche. Né nobile né servo della gleba, erano itinerante - veramente quotfreequot scalpellini in termini letterali. (Intorno al 1600 il titolo muratura accettate emersa una designazione per quegli uomini che non erano necessariamente del tradizionale ilk pietra-taglio). Ovunque si sono riuniti per lavorare i muratori quotfreequot casette individuate che potrebbero trovarsi, come richiesto sia temporaneamente in un albergo, una casa privata - o in un lodge appositamente costruito che è stato costruito su un terreno acquistato specificamente allo scopo di stabilire un lodge permanente. Queste logge serviti sia come alloggi e luoghi di incontro di una sede per Master Masons (post - apprendistato), che sono stati riconosciuti come gli architetti, piuttosto che scalpellini. Queste logge anche servito come una sorta di base sindacale o Better Business Bureau. Il simbolismo ha origine più indietro rispetto alla maggior parte possa immaginare. E come sempre - si nasconde in bella vista in un'epoca che era sia senza legge e analfabeti, il modo più semplice per distinguere tra un Master Mason e un impostore era in via di grip segreti (strette di mano) e le password. Ci sono molti ben noti ed influenti personaggi storici che sono stati massoni. Mentre i livelli più bassi della Massoneria possono sembrano essere abbastanza benigna, non è fino iniziati raggiungono i livelli superiori (che relativamente pochi lo fanno) sono i veri obiettivi del Ordine Massonico rivelato. Ci sono numerose fonti di informazioni sulla Massoneria on-line, che vanno dalla disinformazione pro-massonica tutta la strada per la verità, che copre un po 'di terreno abbastanza sgargianti sulla strada. FormerMasons. org è una risorsa da ex-massoni, che contiene alcune informazioni interessanti. Morals and Dogma da Albert Pike è un testo massonica che potete leggere voi stessi on-line. I gradi di base della Massoneria sono riportati di seguito, seguiti da i gradi di rito scozzese (a sinistra) e Rito di York (a destra). I gradi del terzo ramo di primo piano di rito francese non sono mostrati qui. Ci sono molti altri gradi extranous che possono anche essere perseguiti, che sono off-spara, piuttosto che un percorso a sé stante. Aprire l'immagine full size qui. Introduzione alla Massoneria Il seguente breve video fa riferimento l'immagine qui sotto. Clicca sull'immagine qui sopra per visualizzare la versione ingrandita in una nuova finestra Enter The House Of The Temple un'occhiata all'interno del Consiglio Supremo (Consiglio Madre del Mondo) degli ispettori generali Cavalieri Comandante della Casa del Tempio di Salomone dei Trenta - Terza grado del Rito scozzese Antico ed Accettato della Massoneria della Giurisdizione del Sud degli Stati Uniti d'America. Il mondo ldquoIlluminatirdquo è gettato intorno piuttosto liberamente per descrivere il gruppo di elite che è segretamente in esecuzione il mondo. La maggior parte hanno un'idea generale del significato del termine, ma sono confuso circa i concetti e le idee relative ad esso. gli Illuminati è la stessa cosa come la Massoneria Quali sono i loro obiettivi Quali sono le loro credenze Perché agiscono in segreto fanno praticano l'occultismo Cercando di ricerca oggettivamente il soggetto può diventare un compito arduo come la maggior parte delle fonti finiscono per essere sia pezzi di disinformazione sprezzanti che negano ( e persino ridicolo) tutto ciò che riguarda gli Illuminati o, all'altra estremità dello spettro, la paura sposano male informati mongering sulla base di voci e idee sbagliate. In entrambi i casi, il ricercatore finisce con lo stesso risultato: una versione distorta della verità. Considerando che società segrete si suppone di essere, per definizione, segreta, e che la storia è spesso riscritto da chi detiene il potere, ottenendo la verità imparziale degli Illuminati è una sfida. In questo articolo non ha la pretesa di ldquorevealrdquo o ldquoexposerdquo tutto ciò che deve essere conosciuto circa degli Illuminati piuttosto tentativi di tracciare un quadro più preciso dell'Ordine citando autori che hanno studiato approfonditamente l'argomento. Che siano, alla fine della giornata, critici o apologeti degli Illuminati, questi autori basano le loro riflessioni su fatti credibili. Alcuni dei documenti più interessanti gli Illuminati sono state scritte da iniziati di società segrete come hanno capito il sottofondo filosofico e spirituale guidare il movimento in avanti. L'utilizzo di questi lavori, vedremo le origini, i metodi e gli impatti degli Illuminati sulla storia del mondo. Clicca l'immagine qui sopra per aprire una versione più grande in una nuova finestra, clicca l'immagine qui sopra per aprire una versione più grande in una nuova finestra Il grafico seguente è un 2014 re-make del grafico disegnato a mano originale degli Stati Uniti che è stato online per qualche tempo (in alto a destra). Le origini del originali sono apparentemente sconosciute. Data l'inclusione del KGB e altre entità cronodatati, è probabile che la versione originale è emerso al più presto appena prima del 1978 - e sicuramente non oltre il 1991, che è quando l'URSS sciolto. L'intenzione con questa versione è stato quello di rendere il grafico più facile da seguire e applicare rilevanti codifica a colori per riferimento più facile. Tipi di società segrete Sebbene diversi gruppi si chiamavano ldquoIlluminatirdquo in passato, il più influente e memorabile di loro era Illuminati di Baviera. Fondata il 1 ° maggio 1776, l'organizzazione creata da Adam Weishaupt confusa la linea tra ldquospiritualrdquo e ldquopoliticalrdquo società segrete. Mescolando le scienze occulte della Massoneria e Rosacrocianesimo mentre cospirato per raggiungere obiettivi politici precisi, gli Illuminati è diventato un attore sulla scena mondiale. Mentre la maggior parte società segrete del tempo approvvigionato ai ricchi e il loro fascino con l'occultismo, il Illuminati di Baviera ha cercato attivamente di cambiare profondamente il mondo. Società segrete sono esistite per tutto il corso della storia, ognuno di loro con finalità diverse e con differenti ruoli nella società. Mentre le scuole misteriche egiziane erano parte dell'istituzione egiziana, altri gruppi erano segreto a causa della loro scopi sovversivi e cospiratori. Questi due successive citazioni, scritti da due personaggi politici famosi, descrivono questi punti di vista opposti su Secret Societies: ldquoDid Zanoni appartengono a questa Fraternità mistica, che, in un'epoca precedente, si è vantato di segreti, di cui era la pietra Philosopherrsquos ma il meno che si consideravano gli eredi di tutto ciò che i caldei, i Magi, i Gimnosofisti e platonici avevano insegnato e che differivano da tutti i più oscuri Figli della magia nella virtù della loro vita, la purezza delle loro dottrine, e il loro insistere, come fondamento della ogni sapienza, sulla sottomissione del senso, e l'intensità dei religiosi Faithrdquo - Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, 1884 1 governi ldquoThe del giorno d'oggi hanno a che fare non solo con altri governi, con imperatori, re e ministri, ma anche con il società segrete che hanno ovunque i loro agenti senza scrupoli, e può all'ultimo momento sconvolto tutto il plans. rdquo governmentsrsquo - il primo ministro britannico Benjamin Disraeli 1876 Queste citazioni descrivono diversi ambiti di influenza di società segrete. Il primo si riferisce al lato spirituale mentre la seconda descrive lato politica. Non tutte le società segrete abitano la spirituale e non tutti ottengono coinvolti in macchinazioni politiche. Il Illuminati di Baviera funzionare in entrambi i regni. confraternite ldquoSpiritual sono impegnati a saggezza e l'umanità guidando verso il regno delle confraternite politici Infinite sono composti da power-asilo che mantello loro agenda manipolativo nel buio. (Hellip) Tutte le società segrete condividono alcuni temi fondamentali. L'adesione è limitato a coloro che hanno un costante interesse per l'argomento. Così, un gruppo spirituale attirerà le persone che cercano di più la conoscenza di un particolare insegnante o tipo di pratica. Lo studente è a conoscenza della materia in anticipo e si avvicinerà al gruppo per ulteriori istruzioni. Più raramente, un individuo può essere ldquotappedrdquo dal gruppo a causa di una affinità percepita al suo scopo. In una società segreta politica, l'appartenenza è limitato a coloro che condividono una certa affinità ideologica con gli obiettivi del gruppo rappresenta. Alla fine più lontana dello spettro politico, la missione sarà rivoluzione. Una tale società andrà di tutto per difendersi. (Hellip) Gli Illuminati sono percepiti da molti come attraversa il divario tra lo spirituale e la società segreta politica. Spesso accreditato (o colpa) per influenzare la rivoluzione francese nel 1787, gli Illuminati ha insegnato una dottrina di liberazione sociale e politica che incernierato sulla parità di uomo, l'abbraccio del razionalismo, e la negazione della corona e della chiesa come le istituzioni legittimi perché il regolamentazione dei valori sociali e morali. (Hellip) Mentre il punto di vista degli Illuminati può sembrare abbastanza avanzato per l'epoca, le rivoluzioni europee che si ritiene di avere incoraggiato degenerata in bagni di sangue brutali cui mancanza di bussola morale singolare è stato appalling. rdquo 2 Mentre alcuni credono che Adam Weishaupt era l'unico mastermind degli Illuminati e che la sua organizzazione è salito alla gloria e morì in meno di dodici anni, la maggior parte dei ricercatori avviati nell'occultismo credere che il Illuminati di Baviera è stata la rara apparizione di un antico Fratellanza che potrebbe essere fatta risalire ai Templari del Medio - Evo. Manly P. Hall, un 33 ° Grado massone e prolifico autore, descritto nel suo opuscolo ldquoMasonic Ordini di Fraternityrdquo un ldquoInvisible Empirerdquo che è stata silenziosamente lavorato per secoli verso il cambiamento sociale. E 'diventato periodicamente visibile attraverso la storia, attraverso diverse organizzazioni che portavano nomi diversi. Secondo lui, questi gruppi hanno un impatto grande ancora in silenzio sulla società, anche trasformando il sistema educativo per formare le future generazioni. ldquoThe discendenza diretta del programma essenziale di scuole esoteriche è stata affidata a gruppi già ben condizionata per il lavoro. Le corporazioni, sindacati, e le Società di protezione e benevoli simili erano stati internamente rafforzato con l'introduzione di un nuovo apprendimento. L'avanzamento del piano richiesto l'allargamento dei confini del overState filosofica. Una Fraternità mondiale era necessaria, sostenuta da un programma di ampia e profonda della formazione secondo il ldquomethodrdquo. Tale Fraternità non poteva comprendere immediatamente tutti gli uomini, ma potrebbe unire le attività di taluni tipi di uomini, indipendentemente dalle loro convinzioni religiose o razziali o le nazioni in cui abitavano. Questi erano gli uomini di ldquotowardnessrdquo, quei figli di domani, il cui simbolo era un sole cocente che sorge sulle montagne d'Oriente. (Hellip) Era inevitabile che gli Ordini della fraternità dovrebbero sponsorizzare l'educazione mondo. (Hellip) Il programma prevedeva un'espansione sistematica delle istituzioni esistenti e l'ampliamento delle loro sfere di influenza. Lentamente, gli Ordini di universale Riforma sbiadito dalla attenzione del pubblico, e al loro posto sono apparsi gli Ordini di Fratellanza Mondiale. Tutto il possibile è stato fatto per evitare che le transizioni da essere evidente. Anche la storia è stata falsificata per fare certe sequenze di attività irriconoscibile. Lo spostamento di enfasi non ha mai dato l'impressione di repentinità, e il movimento è apparso come un alba di coscienza sociale. Gli indizi più evidenti all'attività segreto sono stati il ​​silenzio prevalente circa l'origine e l'impossibilità di presentazione della lacune nei registri delle confraternite del XVII e diciottesimo secolo. (Hellip) Gli Ordini di fraternità sono stati attaccati da fili sottili e quasi invisibili al progetto principale. Come precedenti Scuole dei Misteri, queste Fraternità non erano in se stesse realizzazioni effettive delle associazioni esoteriche, ma piuttosto strumenti per portare avanti alcuni obiettivi del piano divino. 3ldquo Qui, Sala cita una ldquosilencerdquo e la mancanza di informazioni per quanto riguarda il funzionamento della società segrete durante il 17 ° e 18 ° secolo, l'epoca durante la quale il Illuminati di Baviera è stato attivo. E 'durante questo periodo di tempo che società segrete hanno preso azione, provocando rivoluzioni, rovesciare monarchico e poteri papali e tiene in mano il sistema bancario. Era la parte Illuminati di Baviera dell'Impero Invisibile descritto da Hall è ancora attiva oggi Letrsquos primo sguardo a Adam Weishaupt e la sua famigerata società segreta. Adam Weishaupt, addestrato dai gesuiti di quotAdam Weishaupt è nato a Ingolstadt, Baviera, il 6 febbraio, 1748. Suo padre morì quando lui aveva sette anni e il suo padrino, il barone Ickstatt, ha affidato la sua prima educazione al più potente gruppo di tempo: i Gesuiti . Noto per i suoi metodi sovversivi e tendenze cospiratori, la Compagnia di Gesù ha avuto una roccaforte sulla politica Bavariarsquos e sistema educativo. ldquoThe grado di potere in cui i rappresentanti della Compagnia di Gesù erano stati in grado di raggiungere in Baviera era quasi assoluta. I membri dell'ordine sono stati i confessori e precettori degli elettori, quindi, hanno avuto un'influenza diretta sulle politiche di governo. La censura della religione era caduta nelle loro mani impazienti, al punto che alcune delle parrocchie anche furono costretti a riconoscere la loro autorità e potere. Di sterminare ogni influenza protestante e di rendere l'intero stabilimento cattolica, che avevano preso possesso degli strumenti di istruzione pubblica. Era dai gesuiti che la maggior parte dei collegi bavaresi sono state fondate, e da loro che sono stati controllati. Con loro anche sono state condotte le scuole secondarie del paese. ldquo il funzionamento interno della Compagnia di Gesù, era abbastanza simile alle confraternite occulte che era apparentemente lavorando contro. Ha funzionato con i gradi, riti di iniziazione, elaborati rituali e simboli esoterici ed era stato soppresso innumerevoli volte in diversi paesi a causa delle sue tendenze sovversive. Nel 1773, Weishauptrsquos utilizzato padrino sua grande influenza presso l'Università di Ingolstadt a disporre il suo figlioccio come presidente del diritto canonico. A quel tempo, l'istituto era sotto il dominio pesante gesuitico e quella particolare posizione era tradizionalmente tenuto dai gesuiti influenti. Weishauptrsquos crescente abbraccio di Age of filosofie illuministe lo poneva in contrasto con i Gesuiti e tutti i tipi di dramma politico ha seguito. Nonostante questo fatto, Weishaupt imparato molto da parte dell'organizzazione Jesuitrsquos ed i loro metodi sovversivi per ottenere il potere. E 'durante questo periodo che l'idea di un segreto soceity ha cominciato a entrare pensieri Weishauptrsquos. ldquoBrilliant, e ben addestrato nei metodi cospirativi di accesso al potere, giovane Weishaupt ha deciso di organizzare un corpo di cospiratori, determinati a liberare il mondo dalla regola gesuitica di Rome. rdquo 5 Mentre alcuni autori ritengono che i gesuiti (che sono stati soppressi dal bolla papale nel 1773) ha usato Weishaupt per perpetuare il loro dominio, altri affermano che stava cercando di rovesciare il loro potente presa su bavarese. Su una scala più ampia, era convinto che il mondo sarebbe trarre profitto dal rovesciamento di tutte le istituzioni governative e religiose in tutto il mondo per sostituirle con un, ancora segreta in tutto il mondo, comitato di ldquoinitiatesrdquo. Per acheive i suoi scopi, avrebbe usato metodi gesuiti contro i gesuiti. Come Weishaupt proseguito gli studi, divenne anche esperto in misteri occulti e ermetismo. Ha riconosciuto il potere attrattivo di questa conoscenza misteriosa e capito che logge massoniche sarebbe il luogo ideale per diffondere le sue opinioni. Egli ha quindi cercato di diventare un massone, ma è stato rapidamente disincantato con l'idea. ldquoHis immaginazione dopo aver preso il calore dalle sue riflessioni sul potere attrattivo dei misteri eleusini e l'influenza esercitata dal culto segreto dei pitagorici, era la prima volta nel Weishauptrsquos pensato di cercare nelle istituzioni massoniche del giorno l'opportunità che ambita per la propagazione delle sue opinioni. Da questo, l'intenzione originale, tuttavia, è stato ben presto deviato, in parte a causa della difficoltà ha vissuto nel comandare fondi sufficienti per ottenere l'ammissione ad una casetta di massoni, in parte perché il suo studio di tali libri massonici come è entrato in sue mani lo persuase che la ldquomysteriesrdquo della massoneria erano troppo puerile e troppo facilmente accessibili al grande pubblico per renderli worthwhilerdquo. 6 Weishaupt presto si rese conto che, per raggiungere i suoi scopi, sarebbe necessario per lui a creare il proprio gruppo segreto, composto da individui potenti che avrebbero abbracciare il suo punto di vista e aiutarlo a propagare. ldquoHe ritenuto necessario, quindi, per lanciare su linee indipendenti. Si formerebbe un modello di un'organizzazione segreta, che comprende ldquoschools di saggezza, rdquo nascosto dagli sguardi del mondo dietro muri di isolamento e di mistero, in cui quelle verità che la follia e l'egoismo dei sacerdoti vietati dalle sedie pubblici di istruzione potrebbero essere insegnate con perfetta libertà di youths. rdquo suscettibili 7 L'obiettivo di organizzazione Weishauptrsquos era semplice ma monumentale: a rovesciare tutte le istituzioni politiche e religiose, al fine di sostituirlo con un gruppo di iniziati Illuminati. Secondo lui la felicità ldquouniversal completo e rapido potrebbe essere raggiunto disponendo di gerarchia, rango e ricchezza. Principi e nazioni scompariranno senza violenza dalla terra la razza umana diventerà una famiglia il mondo sarà la dimora di menrdquo ragionevole. Il 1 ° maggio 1776, l'Ordine degli Illuminati fu fondato. Il Illuminati di Baviera Weishauptrsquos Illuminati iniziato umilmente con soli cinque membri, ma dopo pochi anni e con collegamenti potenti, l'Ordine divenne una grande forza politica in tutto il mondo. decisori influenti, industriali ricchi, nobili potenti e misteriosi occultisti aderito l'Ordine e hanno partecipato i suoi obiettivi cospirative. Alcuni storici sostengono che la rapida ascesa Orderrsquos di successo era dovuto ad un incontro segreto tra Weishaupt e una figura misteriosa di nome Cagliostro, il più potente occultisti del tempo. ldquoIn Ingolsstadt, Cagliostro si crede di aver incontrato Adam Weishaupt, professore di filosofia e diritto canonico all'università, che nel 1776, aveva fondato la setta degli Illuminati. Chiamando stessi eredi dei Templari, hanno dichiarato il loro interesse ad utilizzare l'intervento celeste come raggiunto da Cagliostro per la promozione di un programma di riforma religiosa in tutto il mondo, ma una più radicale di Cagliostrorsquos, ldquocommitted per vendicare la morte del Templarrsquos Gran Maestro Molay da riducendo in polvere la tripla corona dei papi e lo smaltimento di l'ultimo della Capeto Kings. rdquo Cagliostro obbligato, e descritto in dettaglio profetica la decapitazione di Luigi XVI, un evento difficilmente essere previsto in quel momento come tutt'altro che improbable. rdquo 8 il Illuminati di Baviera è stato originariamente composto da tre classi primarie: Novice, Minervale e illuminato Minervale. Ogni grado è stato progettato per raggiungere obiettivi particolari, assicurando nel contempo il controllo completo e il dominio al vertice della piramide. Herersquos un breve sguardo ad ogni grado. membri Entry-level degli Illuminati di Baviera sono stati attratti e introdotte per l'ordine utilizzando il vocabolario attraente (la ricerca della saggezza e miglioramento) e la tradizione occulta. Sono stati però introdotti a una gerarchia altamente monitorati e di controllo, uno che assomiglia al sistema dei Gesuiti. Non c'era alcuna menzione degli obiettivi politici Orderrsquos. ldquoOnce iscrive, l'istruzione di ogni Novizio è stato quello di essere nelle mani del suo impronte, che tenuto ben nascosto dal suo allievo l'identità di tutto il resto dei suoi superiori. Tali Statuti dell'Ordine come gli fu permesso di leggere impresso nella mente del novizio che i fini particolari ricercati nel suo noviziato dovevano migliorare e perfezionare il suo carattere morale, espandere i suoi principi di umanità e di socialità, e sollecitare il suo interesse per la lodevole oggetti di contrastare gli schemi di uomini malvagi, che assiste la virtù oppressi, e aiutare gli uomini di merito per trovare luoghi adatti in tutto il mondo. Avendo avuto impresso su di lui la necessità di mantenere il segreto inviolabile rispettando le questioni di ordine, gli ulteriori compiti di subordinare i suoi punti di vista e interessi egoistici e di secondo rispettosa obbedienza e completa per i suoi superiori sono stati prossimo ingiunto. Una parte importante della responsabilità del Novizio consisteva nella stesura di una relazione dettagliata (per gli archivi dell'Ordine), contenente completo, le informazioni riguardanti la sua famiglia e la sua carriera personale, coprendo tali articoli remoti come i titoli dei libri egli possedeva, i nomi dei suoi nemici personali e in occasione della loro inimicizia, i propri punti di forza e di debolezza di carattere, le passioni dominanti dei suoi genitori, i nomi dei loro genitori e intimi, ecc sono stati richiesti anche i rapporti mensili, che copre il vantaggi la recluta aveva ricevuto da e dei servizi che aveva reso l'ordine. Per la costituzione dell'ordine il novizio deve intraprendere la sua parte nel lavoro di reclutamento, il suo avanzamento personale ai gradi superiori di essere condizionato dal successo di tali sforzi. Per coloro che si iscrive divenne a sua volta un superiore e quindi dopo un noviziato presumibilmente due anni di lunghezza, la strada era aperta per la sua promozione al successivo grade. rdquo alto 9 Quando un novizio ha dimostrato ai suoi superiori di essere degno di avanzamento, egli è stato avviato per il grado di Minervale. sigilli minerval degli Illuminati di Baviera. Questi ciondoli, indossata intorno al collo dei iniziati Minervale, presenti il ​​gufo di Minerva. Conosciuto anche come il Gufo della Sapienza, questo simbolo si trova ancora oggi nei luoghi potenti: intorno alla Casa Bianca, nascosto sulla banconota da un dollaro o le insegne del Bohemian Club. Il termine Minervale deriva da Minerva che era la dea romana della poesia, la medicina, la saggezza, il commercio, la tessitura, l'artigianato, la magia, e la musica. Lei è spesso raffigurato con la sua creatura sacra, un gufo, che simboleggia i suoi legami alla saggezza. Un antico simbolo dei misteri, Minerva è prominente in luoghi come la Biblioteca del Congresso e il Gran Sigillo della California. Il secondo grado degli Illuminati era uno di indottrinamento. Gli iniziati sono stati tenuto conferenze sui principi spirituali dell'Ordine ma aveva poche informazioni per quanto riguarda i veri obiettivi di Weishaupt e la sua ristretta cerchia di amministratori. ldquoThe cerimonia di iniziazione attraverso il quale il novizio passò in grado Minervale avrebbe dovuto disilludere la mente del candidato di ogni sospetto persistente che l'ordine aveva come oggetto supremo la sottomissione dei ricchi e dei potenti, o, rovesciamento di civile ed ecclesiastica governo. Essa ha anche promesso al candidato di essere utile all'umanità per mantenere un silenzio eterno, una fedeltà inviolabile, e una obbedienza rispetto a tutti i superiori e le regole dell'ordine e di sacrificare tutti gli interessi personali a quelli dei society. rdquo 10 MINERVAL sono stati permesso di incontrare alcuni dei loro superiori (Illuminato MINERVAL) e ad impegnarsi in discussioni con loro. Questo privilegio da solo è stata una grande fonte di motivazione per i nuovi iniziati. Selezionati tra i Minervale, l'Illuminato Minervale sono stati dati compiti specifici da realizzare al fine di prepararli ad agire nel worldrdquo ldquoreal. La maggior parte del loro lavoro consisteva nello studio del genere umano e la perfezione dei metodi per dirigerlo. Ogni Illuminato Minervale è stata affidata con un piccolo gruppo di MINERVAL che sono stati esaminati, analizzati e condurre in direzioni specifiche. membri qualità inferiore dell'Ordine divennero pertanto soggetti di prova per le tecniche che possono essere applicate alle masse in generale. ldquoTo il grado Illuminato Minervale sono stati ammessi quei MINERVAL che a giudizio del loro superiori erano degni di avanzamento. Elaborare cerimonie iniziatiche fissati nelle candidatersquos mente le nozioni che la progressiva purificazione della sua vita era prevedibile come ha lavorato la sua strada verso l'alto nell'ordine, e che la padronanza dell'arte degli uomini che dirigono doveva essere la sua ricerca speciale, purché rimase nel nuovo grado. Per realizzare questi ultimi, cioè di diventare uno psicologo esperto e direttore di menrsquos coscienze, deve osservare e studiare costantemente l'azione, scopi, desideri, difetti, e le virtù del piccolo gruppo di MINERVAL che sono stati posti sotto la sua direzione e la cura personale. Per la sua guida in questo difficile compito complicato una massa di istruzioni di lui è stata fornita. In aggiunta alla loro continua presenza nelle assemblee delle MINERVAL, i membri di questo grado si sono riuniti una volta al mese da soli, per ascoltare le relazioni riguardanti i loro discepoli, per discutere i metodi di realizzare i migliori risultati nel loro lavoro di direzione e di sollecitare ogni consiglio otherrsquos nei casi difficili e imbarazzanti. In questi incontri i record delle assemblee dei MINERVAL sono stati rivisti e raddrizzata e successivamente trasmessi agli ufficiali superiori della order. rdquo 11 Da questa struttura di base, gli Illuminati ha iniziato la sua espansione. Tutto era a posto per Weishaupt per raggiungere un obiettivo importante: l'infiltrazione della Massoneria. L'infiltrazione della Massoneria Nel 1777, l'anno successivo la creazione degli Illuminati, Weishaupt unì alla loggia massonica di Teodoro del Buon Consiglio a Monaco di Baviera. Non solo ha propagano con successo le sue opinioni nella loggia, è anche riuscito a ottenere il lodge per assorbiti berdquovirtually nell'ordine illuminista quasi immediatelyrdquo. 12 Un'alleanza definita tra gli Illuminati e la Massoneria fu possibile nel 1780, quando una figura di spicco con il nome di barone Adolf Franz Friederich Knigge è stato avviato in Weishauptrsquos Ordine. The German diplomatrsquos Masonic connections and organizational skills were promptly put to use by the Order. Knigge would go on to accomplish two important tasks for the Illuminati: He revised the hierarchy of the Order, created new higher grades and allowed the full integration of Masonic lodges into the system. ldquoTwo weighty consequences promptly followed as the result of Kiniggersquos advent into the order. The long-sought higher grades were worked out, and an alliance between the Illuminati and Freemasonry was effected. rdquo 13 Knigge, an influential North German diplomat and occultist joined the Illuminati in 1780. He is here shown displaying the sign of the Hidden Hand (see the article entitled The Hidden Hand that Shaped the World on the Vigilant Citizen). Kniggersquos influence upon the Order was profound and immediate. The new system he devised attracted Freemasons and other powerful figures, which gave the movement great momentum. Herersquos the system devised by Knigge: Kniggersquos kept the Orderrsquos original grades untouched but added new grades above them. The second level of the Illuminati incorporated the grades of Freemasonry making therefore the Brotherhood simply a part of the wider Illuminist superstructure. ldquoThe grade Novice (a part of the system only in a preparatory sense) was left unchanged by Knigge, save for the addition of a printed communication to be put into the hands of all new recruits, advising them that the Order of the Illuminati stands over against all other forms of contemporary Freemasonry as the one type not degenerate, and as such alone able to restore the craft to its ancient splendor. (hellip) The three symbolic grades of the second class seem to have been devised solely for the purpose of supplying an avenue whereby members of the various branches of the great Masonic family could pass to the higher grades of the new order. rdquo 14 The highest grades of the Order were restricted to a select few and included powerful individuals and influential figures. The grade of Prince held within its ranks National Inspectors, Provincials, Prefects and Deans of the Priests. At the top of the pyramid were the Magus (also known as Areopagites), which comprised the supreme heads of the Order. Their identities were safely guarded and are still difficult to confirm today. Kniggersquos strategy gave impressive results and allowed the Illuminati to become an extremely powerful movement. ldquoThe new method of spreading Illuminism by means of its affiliation with Masonic lodges promptly demonstrated its worth. Largely because of the fine strategy of seeking its recruits among the officers and other influential personages in the lodges of Freemasonry, one after another of the latter in quick succession went over to the new system. New prefectures were established, new provinces organized, and Provincials began to report a steady and copious stream of new recruits. (hellip) Students, merchants, doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, judges, professors in gymnasia and universities, preceptors, civil officers, pastors, priests mdash all were generously represented among the new recruits. Distinguished names soon appeared upon the rosters of the lodges of the new system. Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick, Duke Ernst of Gotha, Duke Karl August of Saxe-Weimar, Prince August of Saxe-Gotha, Prince Carl of Hesse, Baron Dalberg, the philosopher Herder, the poet Goethe, the educationist Pestalozzi, were among the number enrolled, By the end of 1784 the leaders boasted of a total enrollment of between two and three thousand members 106. and the establishment of the order upon a solid foundation seemed to be fully assured. rdquo 15 Weishaup, however, did not enjoy his Orderrsquos success for long. Suspicions of Illuminati conspiracy against governments and religious arose across Europe. Seeing a credible threat against its power, the Bavarian government launched an edict outlawing all communities, societies and brotherhoods that existed without due authorization of the law. Furthermore, internal disagreements between Weishaupt and the higher ups of his Order lead to disputes and dissension. In the midst of it all, some members went directly to the authorities and testified against the Order, an opportunity that was not missed by the Bavarian government. ldquoOut of the mouths of its friends, the accusations which its enemies made against the order were to be substantiated. By the admissions of its leaders, the system of the Illuminati had the appearance of an organization devoted to the overthrow of religion and the state, a band of poisoners and forgers, an association of men of disgusting morals and depraved tastes. rdquo 16 By 1788, through the use of aggressive legislation and criminal charges, the Bavarian Illuminati was apparently dissipated and destroyed by the government. While some see here the conclusion of the story of the Illuminati, one must not forget that the tentacles of Illuminism had the time to spread way beyond to confines of Bavaria to reach Masonic lodges across Europe. In other words, the Illuminati was never destroyed, it simply went underground. A year later, an important event would prove that Illuminism was more alive and potent then ever: the French Revolution. The French Revolution The violent overthrow of the French Monarchy in 1789 symbolizes to many the victory of Jacobinism and Illuminism over the traditional institutions of the time. The adoption of the Declaration of Human Rights officially recorded Masonic and Illuminist values into the core of the French government. The countryrsquos new motto ldquoLiberteacute, Eacutegaliteacute et Fraterniteacuterdquo (Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood) was said to be a famous Masonic saying that was used in French lodges for centuries. The official document of the Declaration of Human Rights contains several occult symbols referring to Secret Societies. First, the symbol of the All Seeing Eye within a triangle, surrounded by the light of the blazing star Sirius, is found above everything else (this symbol is also found on the Great Seal of the United States). Underneath the title is depicted an Ouroboros (a serpent eating its own tail), an esoteric symbol associated with Alchemy, Gnosticism and Hermetism, the core teachings of Masonry. Right underneath the Ouroboros is a red phrygian cap, a symbol representing Illuminist revolutions across the world. The entire Declaration is guarded by Masonic pillars. Backlash Against Illuminism If though Bavarian Illuminati was said to be dead, the ideas it promoted still became a reality. The Freemasons and Rosicrucians were still thriving, and the Illuminati appeared to be living through them. Europe was undergoing profound turmoil as a new class of people took the helms of power. Critics began to emerge, revealing to the masses the secret forces behind the changes they were witnessing. Leopold Hoffman, a Freemason who was convinced that the Illuminati corrupted his Brotherhood, published a series of articles in his journal entitled Wiener Zeitschrift. He claimed that the lower grades of the Illuminati had been dissolved, but the highest degrees were still active. He also added that Freemasonry was being ldquosubjugated by Illuminismrdquo and transformed to serve its ends. He also stated that the French Revolution was the result of years of Illuminist propaganda. In 1797, John Robinson, a Scottish physician, mathematician and inventor (he invented the siren) published a book entitled ldquoProofs of a Conspiracy against All the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the Secret Meetings of the Free Masons, Illuminati, and Reading Societiesrdquo. This devout Freemason became disenchanted when he realized that his brotherhood had been infiltrated by the Illuminati. Herersquos an excerpt of his book: ldquoI have found that the covert of a Mason Lodge had been employed in every country for venting and propagating sentiments in religion and politics, that could not have circulated in public without exposing the author to great danger. I found, that this impunity had gradually encouraged men of licentious principles to become more bold, and to teach doctrines subversive of all our notions of moralitymdashof all our confidence in the moral government of the universemdashof all our hopes of improvement in a future state of existencemdashand of all satisfaction and contentment with our present life, so long as we live in a state of civil subordination. I have been able to trace these attempts, made, through a course of fifty years, under the specious pretext of enlightening the world by the torch of philosophy, and of dispelling the clouds of civil and religious superstition which keep the nations of Europe in darkness and slavery. I have observed these doctrines gradually diffusing and mixing with all the different systems of Free Masonry till, at last, AN ASSOCIATION HAS BEEN FORMED for the express purpose of ROOTING OUT ALL THE RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS, AND OVERTURNING ALL THE EXISTING GOVERNMENTS OF EUROPE. I have seen this Association exerting itself zealously and systematically, till it has become almost irresistible: And I have seen that the most active leaders in the French Revolution were members of this Association, and conducted their first movements according to its principles, and by means of its instructions and assistance, formally requested and obtained: And, lastly, I have seen that this Association still exists, still works in secret, and that not only several appearances among ourselves show that its emissaries are endeavouring to propagate their detestable doctrines, but that the Association has Lodges in Britain corresponding with the mother Lodge at Munich ever since 1784. The Association of which I have been - speaking is the order of ILLUMINATI, founded, in 1775 sic, by Dr. Adam Weishaupt, professor of Canon-law in the University of Ingolstadt, and abolished in 1786 by the Elector of Bavaria, but revived immediately after, under another name, and in a different form, all over Germany. It was again detected, and seemingly broken up but it had by this time taken so deep root that it still subsists without being detected, and has spread into all the countries of Europerdquo 17 Augustin Barrel, a French Jesuit priest also published in 1797 a book linking the French Revolution to the Bavarian Illuminati. In ldquoMeacutemoires pour servir agrave lrsquohistoire du Jacobisimerdquo, he traced back the slogan ldquoLiberty and Equalityrdquo back to the early Templars and claimed that, in the higher degrees of the order, liberty and equality is explained not only by ldquowar against kings and thronesrdquo but by ldquowar against Christ and his altarsrdquo. He also provided details pertaining to the Illuminist take-over of Freemasonry. ldquoBarruel charged that not only the lower order of Masonry were duped by Weishaupt, but also those of Weishauptrsquos own Illuminati, for whom he had provided another top-secret level of direction known as the Aeopagus, a withdrawn circle of directors of the whole order, who alone knew its secret aims. To Barruel, such revolutionary leaders as La Rochefoucauld, Lafayette, and the duc drsquoOrleacuteans, had become Illuminati agents and dupes of more extreme radicals such as Danton, provocateurs who sparked the Illuminati-directed rebellion. Barruel further charged that the entire French Masonic establishment had been converted to Weishauptrsquos revolutionary ideas, its lodges turned into secret committees which planned bloodshed. rdquo 18 Propagation in America Most of Americarsquos Founding Fathers were part of Secret Societies, whether the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians or others. Some of them travelled to Europe and were well versed in the doctrines of the Illuminati. From 1776 to 1785 ndash when the Bavarian Illuminati was openly active ndash Benjamin Franklin was in Paris serving as the ambassador of the United States to France. During his stay, he became Grand Master of the lodge Les Neufs Soeurs which was attached with the Grand Orient of France. This Masonic organization was said to have become the French headquarters of the Bavarian Illuminati. It was particularly influential in organizing of the French support for the American Revolution and was later part of the process towards the French Revolution. In 1799, when German minister G. W. Snyder warned George Washington of the Illuminati plan ldquoto overthrow all governments and religionrdquo, Washington replied that he had heard ldquomuch of the nefarious and dangerous plan and doctrines of the Illuminatildquo. He however concluded his letter by stating: ldquoI believe notwithstanding, that none of the Lodges in this country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the society of Illuminatildquo. In another letter to Snyder, written a month later, Washington continued on the topic: ldquoIt was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects and actually had a separation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned. rdquo Part of the original letter written by George Washington regarding the Illuminati Judging by this letter, George Washington was obviously well aware of the doctrines of the Illuminati And even if he did not believe that the Masonic institutions of the United States propagated its doctrines, he concedes that individuals might have undertaken that endeavour. After the Bavarian Illuminati Today, the term Illuminati is used to loosely describe the small group of powerful individuals who are working towards the creation of a World Government, with the issue of a single world currency and a single world religion. Although it is difficult to determine if this group descends directly from the original Bavarian Illuminati or that it even uses the term Illuminati, its tenets and methods are in perfect continuation of it. As stated above, the name that is used to describe the occult elite can change. And, ultimately, the name is irrelevant what needs to be recognized is the underlying current that has existed for centuries. According the Manly. P Hall, the Bavarian Illuminati was part of what he calls the ldquoUniversal Brotherhoodrdquo, an invisible Order at the ldquosourcerdquo of most Hermetic Secret Societies of the past. It has worked for centuries towards the transformation of mankind, guiding it through a worldwide alchemical process. The same way the alchemical Great Work seeks to turn crude metals into gold, it claims to work towards a similar metamorphosis of the world. According to Hall, the Universal Brotherhood sometimes makes itself visible, but under the guise of different names and symbols. This would mean that the Knights Templars, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and Illuminati are temporary visible manifestations of an underlying force that is infinitely more profound and more powerful. However, human beings being what they are ndash weak toward greed and power-lust ndash these movements often become corrupted and end up conspiring against the masses for more power and material gain. ldquoCertainly there was an undercurrent of things esoteric, in the most mystical sense of the word, beneath the surface of Illuminism. In this respect, the Order followed exactly in the footsteps of the Knights Templars. The Templars returned to Europe after the Crusades, bringing with them a number of choice fragments of Oriental occult lore, some of which they had gathered from the Druses of Lebanon, and some from the disciples of Hasan Ibn-al-Sabbah, the old wizard of Mount Alamut. If there was a deep mystical current flowing beneath the surface of Illuminism, it is certain that Weishaupt was not the Castalian Spring. Perhaps the lilies of the Illuminati and the roses of the Rosicrucians were, by a miracle of Nature, flowing from the same stem. The old symbolism would suggest this, and it is not always wise to ignore ancient landmarks. There is only one explanation that meets the obvious and natural requirements of the known facts. The Illuminati were part of an esoteric tradition which had descended from remote antiquity and had revealed itself for a short time among the Humanists of Ingolstadt. One of the blossoms of the ldquosky plantrdquo was there, but the roots were afar in better groundrdquo. 19 Hall concludes that the Illuminati existed long before the advent of Weishauptrsquos Order and that it still exists today. It was under the guise of defeat and destruction that the Illuminati realized its greatest victories. ldquoWeishaupt emerged as a faithful servant of a higher cause. Behind him moved the intricate machinery of the Secret School. As usual, they did not trust their full weight to any perishable institution. The physical history of the Bavarian Illuminati extended over a period of only twelve years. It is difficult to understand, therefore, the profound stir which this movement caused in the political life of Europe. We are forced to the realization that this Bavarian group was only one fragment of a large and composite design. All efforts to discover the members of the higher grades of the Illuminist Order have been unsuccessful. It has been customary, therefore, to assume that these higher grades did not exist except in the minds of Weishaupt and von Knigge. Is it not equally possible that a powerful group of men, resolved to remain entirely unknown, moved behind Weishaupt and pushed him forward as a screen for its own activities The ideals of Illuminism, as they are found in the pagan Mysteries of antiquity, were old when Weishaupt was born, and it is unlikely that these long-cherished convictions perished with his Bavarian experiment. The work that was unfinished in 1785 remains unfinished in 1950. Esoteric Orders will not become extinct until the purpose which brought them into being has been fulfilled. Organizations may perish, but the Great School is indestructiblerdquo. 20 The Great Seal of the United States features the unfinished Great Pyramid of Giza, a symbol of the unfinished work of the Esoteric Orders: a New World Order. The Seal was adopted on the American dollar by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a 32nd Degree Freemason and a Knight of Pythias with ties Manly P. Hall. The Illuminati Today If the Illuminist Agenda is still alive today, what form does it take From the esoteric and spiritual point of view, some modern Secret Societies such as the O. T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis) have claimed to be the heirs of Illuminism. Other researchers stated that there exists hidden Orders above the 33 ldquovisiblerdquo degrees of Freemasonry that form the Illuminati. As they are, by definition, secret, obtaining details about these Orders is quite difficult. The political side of modern Illluminism is a lot more visible and its plans are obvious. An increasingly restrictive and concentrated group is being entrusted with the creation of important decisions and policies. International committees and organizations, acting above elected officials are today creating social and economic policies that are applied on a global level. This phenomenon is rather new in world history as a rather than kingdoms or nation-states, a non-elected shadow government, composed of the worldrsquos elite, is gradually becoming the center of world power. ldquoOn another political plane are ideological groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations, or participants in the World Economic Forum. Here we find leaders in politics, business, finance, education, and the media who share a belief in the value of global solutions are in position of high authority and influence and represent different levels of involvement with the inner circle of the group. Most members simply welcome the opportunity to associate with other well-known luminaries and are honored by being offered membership or attendance privileges. Yet, the ideology at the highest levels of such groups supports a world government ndash to be administered by a class of experts and planners, entrusted with running centrally organized social and political institutions. Although members may be persuaded to add their considerable voices to certain transnational political and economic policies, they may bot be as supportive (or even aware) of the long-range ambitions of the inner circle. While these groups quite often hold their meetings in secret, their membership lists are a matter of public record. It is the central agenda that is disguised. rdquo 21 The main elite groups and councils are: the International Crisis Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Economic Forum, the Brookings Institution, Chatham House, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group. The Bohemian Club is known to hold informal gatherings of the world elite punctuated with strange ceremonies and rituals. The Clubrsquos insignia is an Owl similar to the one found on the Bavarian Illuminatirsquos Minerval seal. Insignia of the Bohemian Club Also see: Exposing The ldquoSecret Owl Societyrdquo Soaring Through History If one would carefully study the members and attendees of these exclusive clubs, one would notice that they combine the most powerful politicians, CEOs and intellectuals of the time with lesser known individuals with famous names. They are descendants of powerful dynasties that rose to power by taking over vital aspects of modern economies, such as the banking system, the oil industry or mass media. They have been associated with game changing events, such as the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. This act completely modified the banking system of the United States, placing it in the hands of a few elite corporations. A proof of this is the court decision of 1982 stating that ldquoThe Reserve Banks are not federal instrumentalities for purposes of the FTCA the Federal Tort Claims Act, but are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporationsldquo. In his book ldquoBloodlines of the Illuminatirdquo, controversial author Fritz Springmeier claims that todayrsquos Illuminati is formed from the descendants of thirteen powerful families whose ancestors had close or distant ties to the original Bavarian Illuminati. According to Springmeier, the 13 bloodlines are: the Astors, the Bundys, the Collins, the DuPonts, the Freemans, the Kennedys, the Li, the Onassis, the Reynolds, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Russells and the Van Duyns. 22. There is no doubt that by virtue of the material and political resources they own, some of these families have a great deal of power in todayrsquos world. They appear to form the core of what we call today the Illuminati. However, are they conspiring to create a New World Order Herersquos a quote from David Rockefellerrsquos memoirs that might answer some questions: ldquoFor more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as lsquointernationalistsrsquo and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure ndash one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. rdquo 23 The story of the Illuminati has been repressed or revealed, debunked or exposed, ridiculed or exaggerated countless times ndash all depending on the point of the authors and whether they are ldquoapologistsrdquo or ldquocriticsrdquo. To obtain the absolute truth about a group that was always meant to be secret is quite a challenge and one must use a great deal of judgment and discernment to differentiate the facts from the fabrications. As it is not possible to answer all of the questions relating to the Illuminati, this article simply attempted to draw a more precise picture of the Order and to present important facts relating to it. Todayrsquos political atmosphere is quite different from the time of Weishaupt and the American Founding Fathers, yet there are still many similarities. While the Bavarian Illuminists purportedly denounced the political and religious oppression of the Vatican, a new kind of oppreession is taking form. As democracies merge into a single world government, as privacy and freedoms become replaced by ldquosecurityrdquo and high tech surveillance, as schools crack down on critical thinking, as mass media dumbs-down and disinforms the masses, as secret operations carry out crimes against humanity and as all major protests get violently repressed by a growing police state, it is easy to draw the conclusion that a similarly repressive system is currently being instated. Did the Illuminati truly ldquoliberaterdquo the Western World from the oppression of the Vatican or did it simply continue in its footsteps ldquoThe minority, the ruling class at present, has the schools and press, usually the Church as well, under its thumb. This enables it to organize and sway the emotions of the masses, and make its tool of them. rdquo - Albert Einstein See this excellent and detailed EducateYourself. org article for further information regarding the Illuminati Agenda here. The Actual Structure And Bloodline Families Comprising The Leadership Of The Illuminati May 1 2015 From: DivineCosmos Various Sources David Wilcock states that recent information that has come to him by way of high level cabal insiders clarifies the details regarding the upper echelons of the leadership of the Illuminati. Related: Notes from David Wilcocks Presentation Wilcocks information is said to provide corrected details and relates that there have recently been, as many have always predicted, internal betrayals and defections as the Illuminati internal structure and grip of control over the world continues to fall apart from the inside out, at virtually every level. In a recent three hour presentation, Wilcock covered the following points regarding corrections to the details of the leadership structure of the Illuminati. This matter does have an off-world element to it, but the astute reader will be aware that in the truthful yet hidden hostory of our world, if you go back far enough - everything has an off-world element origin. The Old Ones or Parents These people of which there are 20 in number are ancient extra-terrestrial humans that solidified a deal with the Draco (the very tall Reptilians that are the leaders of the 8-12 foor Reptoids which control the Greys) which involved the utilisation of extremely advanced technology that has allowed these 20 individuals to live on this planet for the past 13,000 years. These Old Ones are above the 13 Illuminati Bloodline families in terms of rank. These beings can, if they wish, go into stasus for hundreds of years at a time - and this requires the use of what is essentially a sarcophagus. They also need to feed on people - and these two points probably contribute to the vampire legends. These beings can be killed but this requires the separation of the brain from the spinal column, i. e. beheading. This was discliosed in the Highlander movies - and this type of disclosure is absolutely necessary because their magic requires that they disclose what they are doing in order for it to work. Their black magic requires our consent. These 20 Parents are the unofficial leaders of the Illuminati, and the leadership structure is said to be as follows: 1. The Old Ones or Parents 2. The Trustees (said to be similar in number to the Old Ones) 3. The Operatives (this is apparently a larger group) 4. The 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families (the Fathers or quotHouses) There are lists of the top 13 families that have been put out on the internet that are wrong, although some sources have got it right. The Pindar is the head of the cabal, that is, the person at the top of the 13 bloodlines. The Pindar is the Pinnacle of the Draco, the number one representative on Earth of the Draco. The current Pindar is the Rothschild (Bauer) family, which presumably makes Nathaniel Rothschild of the English branch, Pindar. 1: Rothschild (Germany Khazaria) The correct list of the top 12 families below Rothschild are follows (alphabetically ordered): Cavendish Kennedy - JFK betrayed the Illuminati along with a number of his family members hence the death toll. de Medici (Venetian Black Nobility) Krupps (Gremany - Krupps industries built the Nazi death camp ovens) Note: Although it is not clear at this point exactly where the Venetian Black Nobility families fit into this structure, their key families are: Orsini, Aldobrandini, Breakspear, Somaglia and Farnese. There are reportedly many, many other familes that have been noted, which include: Allen, Astor, Bronfman, Bundy, Cabot, Cadbury, Chandler, Collins, Disney, Dorrance, Drexel, Duke, Du Pont, Freeman, Gates, Grace, Guggenheim, Harkness, Kleinwort, Li, McDonald, Meyer, Milner, Onassis, Peabody, Perkins, Phillips, Pyne, Reynolds, Rutherford, Schroeder, Stiliman, Sutherland, Todd, Van Duyn, Vanderbilt, Wheeler, Whitney, and Winthrop. It is important to remember that just because a person may have one of the surnames listed above that they, by default, are not necessarily a member of tha cabal. Even within the active cabal members there are those who do not want to be a part of what they were born into. They have to continue for fear of losing their lives and some are doing whatever they can to subvert the Work of the Ages in order to prevent the NWO from prevailing. Wilcocks information also states that up to one third of the top 300 original families have defected and that the remainder are now terming themselves the Committee of 200. British Politician Exposes Illuminati May 2013 Whitby (UK) Town Councillor Simon Parkes exposes government lies, global plans and more. Born to an illuminati family, his mother worked for MI5, Grandfather a British Diplomat, Freemason and member of MI6. Born Into An Illuminati Family Simon Parkes Lifting The Veil Conference Leeds 2013 Critical Mass Radio Conference June 22nd 2013 - Lifting the Veil From: CriticalMassRadio The Knights Templar May 3 2014 Key Source: Bibliotecapleyades The Order of the Knights Templars has its roots in the crusades. The Knights Templar have been associated with all sorts of incredible activities including: having the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, a secret fleet that sailed the oceans, and an awe-inspiring self-confidence and courage that made their enemies shudder in fear. quotThe Knights Templar were a Catholic military order created towards the beginning of the twelfth century, and towards the end of Europes ldquoDark Agesquot quot There is much information (and dis-information - as usual) available on the internet regarding the Knights Templar. This article has been compiled from a number of sources and its intent is to provide an overview, along with a few key connectors to other secret societies both concurrent with their time and toward the evolution and future direction of the respective orders. For the vast majority, when a secret order was said to be wiped out or to have vanished, that simply means that the fraternity in question either went directly underground or further evolved or merged into with another entity. And who would have thought the Knights Templar would be all tied up with Jack the Ripper and Ambulances This order was originally founded to fight for Christianity, but over time - as the Templars acquired immense power, adopted heretical teachings, and established a capitalist system based on material gain, their order fell afoul of the Church. Despite their fearsome, battle - hardened reputation, the Knights Templar were learned men, dedicated to protecting travelers and pilgrims of all religions, not just Christians. They were great statesmen, politically adept, economic traders, and they were apparently allied with the great sailor - fraternity that had created a worldwide trading empire in Phoenician times. Despite also, a great deal of negative propaganda against the Templars at the time of their suppression, they are still known today as the preservers of knowledge and sacred objects. While the origins of the Knights Templar are said to go back to the building of King Solomonrsquos Temple by Phoenician masons from Tyre, or even the Great Pyramid and Atlantis, we trace their modern history from the Crusades period of the Middle Ages. Masons reaching the highest degree, that of Grand Master, also receive the title of Knights Templar. The above illustration shows the degrees of Masonry, where the highest degree is equivalent to the quotOrder Knights Templar. quot Also note the Order of the Rose Croix (Rosy Cross - Rosicrucians), Order of the Red Cross, and the Order of the Knights of Malta Rumors circulating about the Templars led to years of investigations, revealing that the order was blasphemous and that it performed black magic rituals, similar to todays satanic sects. The order was subsequently declared unlawful. The Knights liquidation and arrest arose from a joint decision by the French King and the Pope. Some historians regard the Templars trial and subsequent liquidation as one of the most significant social events of the Middle Ages. Ironically, the truly interesting part of the Knights Templars Saga began only after the order was liquidated. According to the generally accepted view, the order went underground, developing a deep animosity for monotheistic religions and the Church in particular and, in the long - term, transmuted into the organization known today as Freemasonry. The Masons antireligious philosophy and involvement in revolutions and political movements is a consequence of their Templars ancestry. In other words, the Knights Templars still survive in the present, under the name of Freemasonry. Those who reach the highest degrees of Masonry are granted Templar - inspired titles such as quotGuardian of the Temple. quot In the United States, some lodges that convene under the name of the Knights Templar are affiliated with Masonry. Masonry, on the other hand, continues the Templars foremost tradition of opposing religion, as well as being actively avaricious, now and again relying on extra-legal methods similar to the Mafias. Compelling examples-including the P2 Masonic lodge and murders of Jack the Ripper - are referred to later. We will also investigate the Templar Masons Syndications impact on Turkeys recent history. All this will demonstrate that accepted history facts, and especially current developments, are not always what they appear to be and that behind processes and events thought to be developing naturally, shadowy designs can be detected. 2.0 History of the Knights Templar The Knights Templar began when a group of nine quotFrenchquot knights came to Jerusalem in the year 1118 A. D. These knights petitioned the king of Jerusalem to allow them to live in the ancient Temple of Solomon, then partly a mosque and partly in ruins. In his book The Mysteries of Chartres Cathedral the French architect Louis Charpentier claims that the Knights Templar built Chartres as a repository for ancient wisdom. This repository is equal to Stonehenge, the Temple of Solomon or the Great Pyramid of Egypt. He further claims that special knowledge about the Temple in Jerusalem was gained by the founding group of nine knights who lived at Solomonrsquos Temple starting in 1118 A. D. The Queen of Sheba before the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, by Salomon de Bray (1597-1664) In that year it is historically recorded that nine quotFrenchquot knights presented themselves to a Christian King Baldwin II of Jerusalem, and explained that they planned to form themselves into a company with a plan for protecting pilgrims from robbers and murderers along the public highways leading to the holy city. King Baldwin II had been a prisoner of the Saracens and knew of their infighting. Factions such as the Assassins were active in Moslem politics. They also asked to be housed within a wing of the palace, a wing that happened to be adjacent to the Dome of the Rock mosque, which was built on the site of Solomonrsquos Temple. The king granted their request and the Order of the Knights of Solomonrsquos Temple or Knights Templar was born. Established in 1118, these soldier monks had their headquarters in the Dome of the Rock in Palestine, which the crusaders believed to be Solomons Temple. Protection of the road to Jerusalem was their first duty. Two Knights on one horse symbolize their vow of poverty. Ten years later the nine knights presented themselves to the Pope, who gave his official approval to the Knights Templar. Although only nine mysterious knights existed, a tenth joined them, who was the Count of Champagne, an important French noble. In fact, none of the quotpoorquot knights was apparently poor, nor were they all French. Several came from important French and Flemish families. Of the ten original knights, four have not been identified, although their names are known. Furthermore, it seems unlikely that the Knights of the Temple of Solomon were formed to protect the pilgrims to Jerusalem because such an order of knights already existed. They were the Knights Hospitallers or Knights of St. John, later to become the Knights of Malta. It is important not to confuse the Knights Templar with the Knights of Malta, as many readers, and some historians, do. The Knights Templar are quite different from the other crusaders and were sometimes said to fight in combat against each other, even in the quotHoly Land. quot It is important not to confuse the Knights Templar with the Knights of Malta: The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, also known as the original Sovereign Military Order of St. John (note the St. John logo below) of Jerusalem, is a closed fraternity of the Roman Catholic Church. Its initiated members must be Catholic and have served in the military. They participate in secret ceremonies and feudal ritual dress, and embrace a strong class caste mentality as part of their initiation into Rosicrucian dogma. The upper grades are fastidiously aristocratic and must be able to display a family coat-of-arms dating back at least 300 years in unbroken succession from father to son. The Sovereign Grand Master of the order is recognized as a head of state, and his authority is ensured by his secular ranking as a Prince, and his ecclesiastical ranking as a Cardinal. Under international law this organization has independent Sovereign status, which assures nationalistic loyalty from its members, above and beyond allegiance to their own country - they also have Permanent Observer status at the United Nations. The current Grand Master, Andrew Willoughby Bertie, is descended from Mary Stuart (Mary Queen of Scots) which places him firmly in the Sion Grail historical scenario. The order and its members have been proven to be linked with the quotRat Runquot, the post - WWII escape route used by high - ranking Nazis and death camp scientists from defeated Germany to the Americas. Sovereign Knight of Malta passports were issued with false identities that allowed escape from prosecution for war crimes. The Knights Hospitallers, which still exist today as the Knights of Malta, were forced to leave Malta by Napoleon, who stopped at the island on his way to Egypt. Today the Knights of Malta reside in Italy, still have their own quotsovereign countryquot and are said to be a secret society for the Vatican. Charles Addison, a London Lawyer, who wrote in his 1842 book The History of the Knights Templar mentions in the first few pages how it was commonly believed the Templars were at odds with the Vatican and their military arm, the Knights Hospitallers Jesuits to be discussed later. Addison denies the rumors, but admits such rumors existed. Charpentier likens the original band of Knights Templar to commandos who raided the ancient Temple of Solomon in order to uncover its engineering secrets and possible lost treasure such as the Ark of the Covenant, possibly hidden deep in a strange cavern system beneath the temple. With the help of the brilliant French Abbot Bernard de Clairvaux, the nine knights, directed by the Count of Champagne, created the Knights Templar. With the money that they accumulated, a cathedral at Chartres was built. Later, other cathedrals were built around Europe and the legends of the quotMaster Stonemasonsquot became common. Incorporated into Chartres Cathedral are beautiful stained-glass windows, many of the colors difficult or impossible to duplicate today. Hidden within the cathedral are various ancient quotcubitsquot of measure, plus such esoteric devices as the famous Chartres Maze and other visual tools such as sacred geometry, for personal transformation - a sort of personal alchemy of the soul. Included in the image was the quest for the Holy Grail. Incorporated into Chartres Cathedral are beautiful stained-glass windows When a nobleman would join their ranks, he would surrender his castle and property to the Knights who would use revenues generated from the property to purchase weapons, war-horses, armor and other military supplies. The ranks of the Knights Templar grew rapidly. Other noblemen and kings who were not members often gave them gifts of money and land. King Steven of England contributed his valuable English manor of Cressing in Essex. He also made arrangements for high-ranking members of the Knights to visit nobles of England and Scotland. Pope Eugenius decreed that the Knights Templar and only the Knights Templar would wear a special red cross with blunt wedge-shaped arms called the cross patee on the left breasts of their white robes, so that they could be quickly recognized at any time by Christians and by other Templars on the field of battle. The white robes with red crosses became their required dress. The warrior-knights fought bravely in the Middle East, and were highly respected by their Moslem counterparts for their strategy and bravery. In 1129 the Templar Grand Master, Hugh de Payens, led a company of 300 knights, recruited from the noblest houses of Europe, to accompany a huge train of pilgrims to Jerusalem. During this time the Templars formed part of a contingent which, allied with the Assassins of Persia, tried to take the important city of Damascus. According to Arkon Daraul in his book A History of Secret Societies, the followers of Hasan Ibn Sabah, leader of the Assassins, were definitely in contact with the Templars and apparently the Assassins were prepared to become quotChristiansquot should their goals be met, which they were not. At one point, a payment of 3000 gold pieces from the Syrian branch of the Assassins was made to the Templar order, apparently as some form of tribute. The exact association between the Templars and the Assassins has remained a mystery. The Hashashin: The deadly group of Persian assassins who held the leaders of the ancient world in abject terror The Templars, it must be said on this regard, were not noted for political assassinations, as were the Assassins. Rather, the Templars fell victim to political intrigue and were either publicly executed or assassinated as was Henry Sinclair, Grand Master of the Templars, in 1401, when the Templar Fleet returned from North America. Many Templars were of Palestinian birth, spoke perfect Arabic, and were familiar with every religious sect, cult, and magical doctrine, including the Assassins. For instance, the Grand Master Philip of Nablus (1167 A. D.) was a Syrian. The Assassins, it might be mentioned, eventually became what is known today as the Ismaili sect of Islam. Their head is the Aga Khan, and their followers reside largely in Pakistan and India, today. The Aga Khan, a hereditary leadership descended from Mohammed, maintains residences in both London and Bombay. The father of todayrsquos Aga Khan was married to Hollywood actress Rita Hayworth. By 1133, King Alfonso of Aragon and Navarre (northern Spain) had fought the invading Moors in 29 battles, and willed his kingdom to the Templars. However, the Templars were prevented from claiming the kingdom because of the Moorish victory over Spain. Oops. Busted - The Order of St. John a secret society under deep cover - hidden in plain sight, a classic esoteric laughing at the goyim who are too stupid to see hallmark. Compare the St. John logo with the flag above. St. John is admittedly run by The Knights of Malta. Similarly, Red Cross has its origins in the esoteric and was influenced by John D Rockefeller. While the Freemasons are less inclined to admit their stewardship directly. Charities Throw your money away if you like. It is quite well known nowadays that most of the money given to charity organisations never gets to where it was intended. Those pulling the strings simply play on peoples good nature Meanwhile, there was a parallel religious order, the Knights of St. John, founded at Amalfi, Italy, in the 11th century. They went to Jerusalem to protect and minister to the Christian pilgrims but soon extended their mission to tending to the sick and poor all over the Holy Land. As the years went by the Knights of St. John (Knights Hospitallers) became increasingly militant and, generally speaking, fought along-side the more mystical Knights Templar and the Germanic order of the Teutonic Knights of St. Mary. 3.0 From Templars To Freemasonry Even a quick examination of the Templars history reveals the major transformations they underwent along the way. They first appear under a Christian faccedilade, but soon enter a darker phase in which un-christian and perverse philosophies and teachings show through. This doesnt happen all at once, however, and many events are responsible for the changes that occurred. These changes first came about during the Templars sojourn in the Holy Land: During this phase, they became acquainted with the Cabala and learned the mysterious teachings of various other Jewish sects. The Assassins mysticism and perverse practices were also incorporated into their system and the emerging picture reveals that their Christian faith had given way to secret occultist rituals and Black Magic rites. Needless to say, their ideals and mission changed accordingly. The second cause of their transformation can be explained when we consider that the poor knights of the Templar Order acquired incredible wealth over a relatively short period of time. Given their hopes of attaining mystical powers over the material world through their newly-acquired dark beliefs and practices, its no surprise that they began to set their sights on much grander goals. Its important to keep in mind that at that time, mystic and secretive beliefs played an important, even everyday, role in peoples lives. Many were convinced that in order to gain wealth or power, one needed the help of dark powers, which could be compelled through Black Magic. Using what they considered quotscientificquot methods, people were investigating ways of contacting and controlling invisible powers-by means of secret codes, magic signs and formulas, and incantations. Poisons were prepared, the elixir of life was sought in experiments, and alchemists tried to create gold out of lesser metals. The Templars, seeking to rule this world with the help of the invisible one, came to worship Satan and called on him to dominate the powers of darkness. Many years of investigations by the courts of the King and the Pope documented the Templars real ideals and proved that they were hiding behind a Christian faccedilade. The order had gathered together the dark worlds symbols, traditions and rituals, and founded a system in castles built for that purpose, leading the way for many later secret societies. 4.0 Templars Confessions in Masonic Sources After going underground to escape the Inquisition, the Templars infiltrated various other sects and organizations. For their purposes, the masons lodges were an ideal choice. Very quickly, they infiltrated them, brought them under their own control, adapted and altered them to accommodate the Templars own philosophy, beliefs, and rituals. Since they had long been trained in the arts of architecture and masonry and had gained expertise in building castles and Gothic cathedrals, it was easy enough for the Templars to infiltrate and control the professional guilds of masons. Published reference works by Masons refer more often to the symbolic features of their merger with the Templars, than to the darker aspects the Masons inherited from them. As one Turkish Masonic source writes: ldquo The Grand Masters abacus staff of office is evidence for the connection between the Templars and Freemasons. This staff is a symbol representing Aarons rod mentioned in the Bible-a walking stick that sprouted leaves. Its head is in the form of a temple, and along length of its body is carved measurements. This staff is a symbol of masonry. quot In France as well as in Jerusalem, Templars and Freemasons existed side by side and must have influenced each others esoteric knowledge. An examination of architecture when the Gothic style came to be adopted reveals that the first European churches built deliberately in the new Gothic style began to be constructed after Jerusalems conquest by the crusaders. With the Templars Grand Master being also the Freemasons, it can be observed that the gradual progress from operational Masonry to speculative Masonry had already begun. The Cistercian monks, dealing with construction planning, had also been members of masons lodges - an example to the clerical or monastic type of mason In Paris, where all other professions had their own lodges, the masons shared quarters with the Templars, also showing the close relationship between the two organizations. The Papal decree of 1312 that liquidated the Templars order also ended the Masons right of free passage. Fearing even worse reversals, French Masons fled to Germany where, from then on, Gothic architecture became suddenly dominant. There, the Masons lodges that received Templars escaping from France experienced the same gradual transformation as the British ones had - from operational to speculative Masonry. 5.0 An Inside Account of Jack the Ripper In researching the Masons political activities, especially their illegal ones, the infamous quotRipperquot murders cannot be overlooked. These serial murders were committed in London in 1888. Over a span of nine weeks, five prostitutes were brutally murdered and their bodies disembowled, sometimes dismembered. These murders were never actually solved, and the murderer was never caught. Letters quotsignedquot under the name of Jack the Ripper sent to the police force, shortly after these murders were committed, provided the murderer with his nickname. Who the person or people responsible for the murders is or are is still unknown. Shortly before the time of the murders, the British monarchy was threatened with a great scandal. The eldest son of Queen Victoria, later King Edward VII was the Grand Master of the English Freemasons. Theoretically, his son, Eddy, would have become King if his grandmother and father had died before him, but Eddy had a private life incompatible with palace discipline. He was secretly visiting his painter friend Walter Sickert and his friends and at one of these visits he met and began an affair with Annie Crook, a Catholic shop-girl of the lower classes. After some time she gave birth to his child, and they were secretly married. Sickert hired a nanny for Eddy and Annies baby girl. Mary (or Marie) Kelly and Sickert were the witnesses at their secret wedding. At the time, Britain was in political turmoil. Had the public learned of Eddys marriage to a woman like Annie, it could have had far-reaching repercussions, including the abolition of the monarchy. (It was against British law for the monarch to marry a Catholic, not to mention the problems posed by her working-class background.) Such a scandal was a serious threat to anyone with an active interest in the Britains political and social systems, especially the Freemasons. Sir William Gull - HIgh ranking Freemason, Physician to the Queen of England and the Masonic tidy up loose ends killer, Jack the Ripper. Note the suggestive Masonic thumbs in pockets pose, signifying dominance and superiority When word of all this got to Queen Victoria, she demanded that, Lord Salisbury - her Prime Minister, and a renowned Mason - cover up this affair. Salisbury had Annie admitted to an asylum, where she was to die 32 years later. Her daughter later became Sickerts mistress and bore him a son. Marie Kelly, the witness at the marriage, became an alcoholic and prostitute and later shared this secret with three of her prostitute friends. When these women threatened to reveal Eddys secret, Salisbury decided that this threat had to be ended and enlisted the help of Sir William Gull, physician to the Queen and a high-ranking Freemason it was he who had declared Annie insane and sent her to the asylum. Considering his options, Gull concluded that these prostitutes constituted an unacceptable threat to the monarchy and Freemasonry and decided to kill them, one by one, according to Masonic ritual. This is how the shocking quotRipperquot murders came about. Prime Minister Salisbury, the other members of government and the police force provided the cover-up, as was expected of the Masonic brotherhood. They kept this secret and admired Gull for his great sense of quotresponsibility. quot Gull sent his driver Netley to persuade Sickert to help locate and identify the four prostitutes. They were located, picked up, brutally murdered, and then their bodies mutilated and dismembered as prescribed in Masonic rites and finally disposed of at the chosen sites. 6.0 The Illuminatis Plans for Revolution Adam Weishaupt, who felt a quotpathological hatredquot towards religion, founded (or at the very least, formalised it under instruction) the Illuminati society. After going underground to escape the Inquisition, the Templars infiltrated various other sects and organizations. For their purposes, the masons lodges were an ideal choice. Very quickly, they infiltrated them, brought them under their own control, adapted and altered them to accommodate the Templars own philosophy, beliefs, and rituals. In France as well as in Jerusalem, Templars and Freemasons existed side by side and must have influenced each others esoteric knowledge. With the Templars Grand Master being also the Freemasons, it can be observed that the gradual progress from operational Masonry to speculative Masonry had already begun. The Cistercian monks, dealing with construction planning, had also been members of masons lodges - an example to the clerical or monastic type of mason In Paris, where all other professions had their own lodges, the masons shared quarters with the Templars, also showing the close relationship between the two organizations. The Knights Templars transformation into Freemasonry also produced a number of byproducts, the Rosicrucians being one of these. Another is the Illuminati. one of the most talked about associations in the history of occultism. Founded in Bavaria, in southern Germany, it was also known as the Bavarian Illuminati, and its mission was to bring about a secular Masonic world order by revolutionary means. Its founder was Adam Weishaupt, a professor of law. Fiercely opposed to monarchies as well as to the Church, Weishaupt listed the societys goals: 1. Abolition of monarchies and all ordered governments. 2. Abolition of private property and inheritances. 3. Abolition of patriotism and nationalism. 4. Abolition of family life and the institution of marriage and the establishment of communal education of children. 5. Abolition of all religion. The Encyclopedia of the Occult reveals that the Illuminati society, increasingly powerful in Germany, was practicing all Masonic rituals while preserving its own distinct identity. Weishaupt, the quotGrand Master, quot stamped his authority on the hundreds of intellectuals who had joined the society, even though only a very few had access to Weishaupt himself. In 1780, the German Baron von Knigge, a Grand Master Mason, joined the society and increased the societys influence even further. Adam Weishaupt, Trained by the Jesuits quotAdam Weishaupt was born in Ingolstadt, Bavaria on February 6, 1748. His father died when he was seven and his godfather, Baron Ickstatt, entrusted his early education to the most powerful group of the time: the Jesuits. Known for its subversive methods and conspiratorial tendencies, the Society of Jesus had a stronghold on Bavariarsquos politics and educational system. ldquoThe degree of power to which the representatives of the Society of Jesus had been able to attain in Bavaria was all but absolute. Members of the order were the confessors and preceptors of the electors hence they had a direct influence upon the policies of government. The censorship of religion had fallen into their eager hands, to the extent that some of the parishes even were compelled to recognize their authority and power. To exterminate all Protestant influence and to render the Catholic establishment complete, they had taken possession of the instruments of public education. It was by Jesuits that the majority of the Bavarian colleges were founded, and by them they were controlled. By them also the secondary schools of the country were conducted. ldquo Weishaupt and Knigge began preparations for a revolution aimed at bringing down both Church and Hapsburgs. In 1784, when the Bavarian government received intelligence about the planned revolution, the two Grand Masters quickly dissolved the Illuminati and joined ordinary Masonic lodges. It is well known that The Illuminati was never more than quotseemingly dissolvedquot for appearances rather the movement simply went to ground. Multiple factions still exist today and have usurped most aspects of the worlds business, religious and political strongholds. Profusely, now they continue to bicker and infight by way of deadly faction-driven tantrums, as all the while their stolen stockpile of funding withers. For they are desperate. They no longer have access to - nor can they steal from, the global collateral accounts. The Illuminati have no rightfully earned wealth. They are nothing but evil, satanic, deceptively clever, common con-artists and criminals - whose time and game are up. Their great work of the ages is now failing in real time, doomed by insane, inbred delusion, arrogance and incompetence. As occultist historians acknowledge, some of the players of the French revolution like Franccedilois-Noeumll Babeuf were of Illuminati origin. The Illuminati was renowned for its uncompromising hostility towards religion. According to historian Michael Howard, Grand Master Weishaupt felt a quotpathological hatredquot against religion that their planned revolution tried to realize. It never happened, but their quotbrothersquot in France successfully carried out theirs - in the form of the French Revolution. If you would like to read more about the Knights Templar, we suggest this as a good point to continue from . A literal encyclopedia of rare, unbelievable information that exposes the dynasties that make up the global elite. Who really controls world events from behind-the-scenes Years of extensive research and investigation have gone into this massively documented work. In this 624-page, large format book, Fritz Springmeier discloses mind-boggling facts and never before revealed truths about the top Illuminati dynasties. Discover the amazing role these bloodlines have played, and are now wielding, in human history with family names such as Astor, DuPont, Kennedy, Onassis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn and Krupp. Yoursquoll also learn of the secretive Chinese Li family, which operates with impunity in the U. S. and around the world. Along the way yoursquoll find out why President John F. Kennedy and actress Grace Kelly were killed, who created the United Nations, who controls the two major U. S. political parties, how the Rothschilds invented and control modern-day Israel, who secretly founded false religions such as the Jehovahrsquos Witnesses and much, much more. This is the third and latest edition of this book. The author has added over forty pages of information to his previous work. Investing Japan: Foreign Capital, Monetary Standards, and Economic Development, 18592011 by Simon James Bytheway (review) Slaughterhouse: Chicagos Union Stock Yard and the World It Made by Dominic A. Pacyga (review) The Slain Wood: Papermaking and Its Environmental Consequences in the American South by William Boyd (review) You have access to this content Free sample Open Access Restricted Access Welcome to Project MUSE Use the simple Search box at the top of the page or the Advanced Search linked from the top of the page to find book and journal content. Refine results with the filtering options on the left side of the Advanced Search page or on your search results page. Click the Browse box to see a selection of books and journals by: Research Area, Titles A-Z, Publisher, Books only, or Journals only. Connect with Project MUSE

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